Saturday, January 21, 2012

Doing a commission

When I first start a commission, I use a plastic portfolio such 
as the red one you see here.  I put the person's name on it
written on a piece of tape (I haven't done it here!).  Then I place
every bit of data and photos and sketches in it as I work on the
piece.  That way the bits and pieces do not get lost and I can
immediately locate what I need to do the work, as well as to go
over things with the client as the work proceeds.

I own several of these portfolios.  As soon as the work is done,
I remove the tape and put the things that were in it in a file folder
should I ever need to refer to it in the future.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Plans for the New Year!

Do you feel like this in regard to making plans, yet again?
The New Year being a reason to revisit what you are doing?
I say fie on it all, just continue what you were doing and do more
of it and better!

Happy New Year!  (Get up Lucy, I'm trying to write here...)